هذا كان نص التقرير الخاص بالعمليه اريد توضيح له من فضلك..
scan revealed enlarged uterus with cavity filled
with heterogenous echogenic shadows. diagnosis of vesicular mole was done.
under G.A cervix found congested friable and tissues coming out taken for histopathology.As suction evacuation cannot be done. we proceed to laparotomy as provisional diagnosis was either vesicular mole or huge fibroid.on laparotomy uterus was hugely symmetrically enlaged normal situated tubes and ovaries ,no ovaries, no localized bulging or enlargement.transverse incision made in the lower part , cavity was enlarged,wall tough and rubbery even the uterine lining was tough and rubbery . no fibroids, no vesicular mole.samples taken from the wall and the uterine cavity.Histopathology reports enclosed