ارجو الرد لانى ارسلت لك مرتين ولم ترد . هذة صورة سونار بعد نزول الدورة ب 20 يوم : Pelvi-abdomenal and TV U/S
- the liver is not enlarged showing homogenous echo pattern . no focal lesion .no intra hepatic biliary radicles dilatation. Normal appearance of hepatic veins.
- gall bladder is within normal size and wall thickness . no calculi seen inside it.
- portal vein and common bile duct are within normal caliber
-spleen is average sized with normal homogenous echogenicity showing no focal lesion or infiltrations .
-both kidneys are within normal site.size.shape.echogenicity and parenchymal thickness showing no masses
- the right kidney shows no stones,or back pressure changes.
- the left kidney shows fullness of its pelvicalyces with a lower calyx stone 1 cm and middle calyx stone 5mm and an upper calyx stone 4 mm
-gases obscure pancreatic and para aortic areas
- urinary bladder has an echofree lumen with regular wall.there are no masses.diverticulae .nor calculi seen inside.no calculi in the intramural ureters bilaterally
-uterus is non gravid .anteverted .with average size( 7.5*4*2.5 cm) with . smooth regular outline.and homogenous myometrial echogenicity showing no focal lesions . central regular endometrial line with normal thickness (8mm)
- both ovaries show normal appearance and dimensions ( rt. Ov . 28*23*26mm,and lt.oov.30*25*27mm) showing few follicles with no cysts or masses . no leading or mature follicles
- no gross pelvic masses detected.no fluid in Douglas pouch
-- conclusion :
Left renal stones and pelvi-clyceal fullness